People of the Wetlands & Knock Down the Old Grey Wall

People of the Wetlands

Solid has to inform the World that he has been cautioned for "reckless and dangerous wielding of an axe" whilst trying to protect himself from the Corpse Crushing Children of Dalneigh, on 4.11.00.

Whilst they attempted to burn his house down he used Tantric Tentative methods with a Turkey Totem and contacted "Otzi the Iceman", found in the time capsule underneath the Alps in 19.09.91. Luckily this correlates with his date of birth 13.03.49.

"Otzi" and the "Pumpgate Posse" can now be found at Swamp Fort Center in Florida behind the Hazel Sweet Track. He now has a shrunken brain due to dehydration.
"However I am still remarkably well preserved", chuckled Solid.

Knock Down the Old Grey Wall

My Gaellasonic Sacred Spirit and the Angels of Pete Ham and Tommy Evans are always with me. We are all travelling to Wales in February to play "Knock Down the Old Grey Wall" Pontadowe and "Without You" Swansea.  The Songwriters Guild of Wales are promoting the shows.

Are these the rumblings of the earth or is this the beginning of "The Quiet"?
Seasonal compliments and invisible mendings.
Rhuaridh Toapich (known to the British as Jeep Solid).

