Jeep Solid is Roderick "ruardhi buitcheoch!" maccoinneach A Beat Poet! ---- --Glam Relic!---an Astral Funk--legend !--------a-----literate Time-Traveller from another Planet!?--------- --A Scottish--sea--sick --Steve----Maybe?!
His colourful tale of the------" Kaleidoscope DRAMATIQUE!-"-------started way back in 1965-66! With a rock 'n roll revelation, and features walk-on parts from some veritable music legends (including Badfinger, the New York Dolls and a certain Ian 'Lemmy' Kilminster), plenty of sharp suits and a whole lot of uppers, downers and everything in between…
"Jeepsolid is Scotland’s forgotten hero of performance, trying to classify him is like trying to put a beach-ball in a Match-box!------->it won’t go in even if you spend time deflating it! The song-writing skills of Neil Young and the presence of Alex Harvey!"---Des Dillan
Project Caberfeigh

A blog dedicated to the artwork of the artist Jeep Solid.